Be bold. Be original. Be you.

This is not a challenge we take lightly. Nor is it some catchy marketing phrase. It’s a call to action. It’s about building a community of amazing young women, lifting each other up, celebrating originality and being unapologetic about who you are – really who you are. That’s what the Sister Code is all about. So will you join us?

We welcome all young women and self-identifying sisters to take part in a day of insightful discussion, Q&A, storytelling, music, art, photography and mindfulness. It’s a place to take a breath and just be.

In a time of social distancing and crisis, let’s come together and remember that we’re all part of a global sisterhood that is stronger together.



Sister Code A Workshop for Teen Girls.jpg
Original Sister Code artwork by Sabrina Walden

Original Sister Code artwork by Sabrina Walden